Sunday, January 22, 2012

Missing Pieces

Last year I saw my first classroom and my grandparents' home razed.   It's a curious feeling seeing bits of your life erased.   Currently, some of the former Page Middle School is awating the wrecking ball, but the lovely house and gardens where my father's family lived for so many years did not fare as well, or did it?
The left side of the property line that runs alongside a ditch.

Although neither of my paternal grandparents are still living, I enjoyed driving by their home every now and then and watching the seasons change.   Someone outside of the family bought the property and ran a business there for a bit.   Finances must have changed because the property now belongs to Dollar General.

Tractors atop the footprint of my grandparents' house.
At first I was saddened to think that a place with so much soul would turn into another link in a chain, but I grew excited as construction neared completion.   When the store opened, I took my camera and went for a visit.   I was charmed to find that there was an ice cream freezer, Doublemint gum and Mr. Goodbars a couple of steps inside the door...just like old times.   There were Christmas decorations and cold drinks, pajamas and pet food, something for everyone really.   Although the rosebush and hydrangeas were plowed under, a camellia and azaela stood along the property line.   And when spring comes, the irises will bloom along the ditch.  

Once again, I can stop by to visit a place that I still drift to in my dreams.   In my dreams, it's always summer.   The garden's ripe.   The garage is filled with records.   The kitchen is buzzing.   I am young, and I am old.   My grandparents are well.

The other good news is that I get to help Page move forward by serving on the design team.   We've met twice so far, and I am heartened to be able to help bring something functional and beautiful into the lives of so many.   What an architect we have on our side.   I'm looking forward to seeing this building emerge from the dirt too.

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